About Us

Seeds by Design
Seeds by Design’s original concept in 1994 was based on the production, marketing, and brokering of high quality, open pollinated vegetable seed varieties to the home garden market. Shortly thereafter, we discovered the seed market was saturated with many seed companies selling the same products. The realization that seed buyers were hungry for new and unique products to grow their own market channels, helped create the innovation that continues to drive Seeds by Design to become and remain a market leader.
Seeds by Design’s collection of experimental niche markets, including heirloom, hybrid, open pollinated, and uniquely colored vegetables, are expanding faster than we can produce the seed. Currently, Seeds by Design’s product line consists largely of proprietary and specialty products that are only available for purchase from us. Seeds by Design’s knowledge and experience creates the foundation to produce high quality wholesale products and distribute both domestically and internationally with the diversity and service our customers demand.

Terra Organics
Terra Organics began operations in August 1998 to take advantage of the rapidly changing organic market. Since its humble beginning, Terra Organics has quickly become a leader in the production and distribution of organic vegetable seeds. Terra Organics now offers a full line of certified organic vegetable, flower, and herb seeds to our wholesale domestic and international customers. We are the result of a 20 plus year marketing program, which offers branded products for many specialty markets including: baby leaf, specialty vegetables, heirloom tomatoes, bunched greens, and seedless watermelon.
Many market studies have shown a constant increase of eight percent growth in the organic consumer market for the past 10 years. Our hope that this unique niche market would continue to grow and expand has been realized. Organics are included in the everyday buzz and is considered an established market. It is now quite commonplace, demanded, and expected by retailers.

Aurora Seeds
Launched in 2018, Aurora Seeds is our new holistic seed brand. With the increasing demand for specialty seed production, the Seeds by Design group has chosen to unveil our new product line produced with sustainable and holistic production methods. Many growers and customers have been requesting an alternative to our certified organic seed varieties. Rapid growth and interest in the holistic and sustainable marketplaces create increased market interest, momentum and confusion from the ever-changing organic laws and regulations.
Definition of Sustainable - "The term sustainable agriculture means an integrated system of plant production practices having a site-specific application that will, over the long term: satisfy human food and fiber needs; enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends; make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls; sustain the economic viability of farm operations; and enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole."
Definition of Holistic - "Holistic management a proven, whole farm/whole system approach to resource management that incorporates financial, land, and crop planning with biological monitoring. The process increases soil health, reduces erosion, improves biodiversity and enhances productivity by working with Nature."
Definition of Aurora – “Literally means dawn, a luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers or arches of light appearing in the atmosphere or horizon.”